Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why Dolph Ziggler Shouldn’t Have A WrestleMania 32 Match, Is This The Best Chris Jericho We’ve Seen?, Grade The Last WWE Raw

Dolph Ziggler

Shane Shoemaker wrote a new blog for on why Dolph Ziggler not having a WrestleMania match is OK. Here’s a sample:
I believe Dolph will still have a match at WrestleMania, but there’s very good reason why he shouldn’t.
Since Shane McMahon returned and vowed to change RAW, he mentioned such things as pushing new stars and those that had been kept from being elevated. The first person that came to mind was the Internet darling himself, Dolph Ziggler.
For years, in a far, far second behind Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler has been the IWC’s favorite wrestler to complain about in regards to his placement on the roster. He’s been pushed, de-pushed — as Jim Ross has stated before, “He’s had more false starts than the Oakland Raiders.” Although I’m not sure how much that statement holds true now in regards to the team in city on the bad side of the bay.
For the past two weeks on RAW, Dolph has been given some significant TV time and in particular given attention by The Authority. Whether his tweet that he was asked to delete was a work or shoot is moot at this point, but it should be noted that Dolph has been given some significance again, even if fans don’t think he has.
For starters, Triple H made Dolph look like a million bucks on Monday night. But I think the whole point was that Dolph didn’t have to win and that maybe there’s a bigger part of the story on why he didn’t win, besides Triple H merely being the reigning WWE champion.
CLICK HERE for the booking of what he does do at WM 32.

Chair Shot Reality Video

This segment of CSR is Heel or Face talking is this the best of Chris Jericho, WrestleMania plans and grade last week’s RAW.

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